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Mark F. Itzkowitz, Esq.

Source / LinkHeadline / CaseDescription
LinkLink to ReportLowell jury awards record $2.25 million in concussion suitVerdict for a school teacher who suffered a minor traumatic brain injury in a car collision that prevented her return to full-time work.
LinkLink to Report $3 Million mediated settlement for the family of a 69-year-old man who was beaten to death by his neighbor in an unprovoked attack.The murderer, a Level 3 registered sex offender who had been released from prison seven years earlier after serving a 15-year sentence for attempted rape, during which he stabbed an older woman, was renting a condominium unit from his brother.  His brother refused to warn neighbors or the condominium association.  Nevertheless, the condominium association learned the criminal’s background but refused to post known information about the attacker for the six years before the criminal murdered the unsuspecting victim.
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court
Link to Decision
ROSANNE SLINEY vs. DOMENIC A. PREVITE, JR.Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court upheld constitutionality of retroactive extension of child sex abuse statute of limitations and reversed dismissal of incest case.
Worcester Mass.Super.Ct.
Civil rights settlement-Domestic Violence Civil rights settlement enabled family of domestic violence victims to recover damages from municipal police who refused to enforce domestic violence laws against abusing spouse/father. Analyzed in: Dianne Williamson, Victims Fight Abuse and System, WORCESTER TELEGRAM & GAZETTE (January 6, 2002) and 17 New England Jury Verdict Review & Analysis 10 (March 2002).
U.S. Dist. Ct. D. Mass.
Employment Pregnancy Discrimination Papageorge v. Mothers Work, Inc., U.S. Dist. Ct. D. Mass. No. 03-CV-11193-JLT - Settlement on eve of trial in a widely reported case brought on behalf of pregnancy clothing chain district manager fired from employment because she became pregnant.
U.S. Dist. Ct. D. Mass.
Mass. woman raped at Cayman Islands resortGenereux v. Columbia Sussex Corporation, U.S. Dist. Ct. D. Mass. No. 05-CV-10879-JLT - $1.1 Million settlement on the eve of trial in Boston on behalf of Mass. woman raped at Cayman Islands resort at which she had not been guest.
U.S. Dist. Ct. D. Mass.
Mass. woman raped at Cayman Islands resortGenereux v. Columbia Sussex Corporation, U.S. Dist. Ct. D. Mass. No. 05-CV-10879-JLT - $1.1 Million settlement on the eve of trial in Boston on behalf of Mass. woman raped at Cayman Islands resort at which she had not been guest.
(C) Copyright 2019-2020 Mark F. Itzkowitz, Esq. All rights reserved worldwide.